As an osteopath, one of the most common things I get asked about when the subject of exercise comes up is about stretching. Everyone seems to know they should stretch, and...
New children's osteopath
Streatham Osteopaths are delighted to announce the addition of Raphaelle Levy, our new osteopath who specialises in treating mums, babies and children. With her extensive experience and passion for osteopathy,...
Furzedown Festival
Furzedown Festival This year was another great success. The weather held out, and there was a great turnout. Thanks to all the Streatham Osteopaths team, especially Robin, who was giving “pain...
Streatham Osteopaths - 15 minutes of fame!
For six days last week Alistair Train – Director, booked the Practice to make an Independent short film -15 minutes. It was an enlightening experience! Twelve hours a day with...
Pre-appointment screening questionnaire
Have you or anyone else in your household had close contact with or cared for someone diagnosed with Covid-19 within the last 14 days? – yes/no Have you or anyone in...